Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Real Estate Success Story

Every success story starts with a desire for change. A change for the better. Hopefully, so does yours.

But before you start writing it, I think it is a good idea that you read the success story of the mastermind behind this groundbreaking idea. Learn the idea by yourself, then earn yourself a piece of real estate.

This is Tom's story.

By the time Tom was 36, he owned 16 residential real estate properties. All of these real estate properties were in Tom's name. Most people can only dream of having a single piece of real estate with the documents in their name, let alone 16 by the time they are 36.

How did he achieve all of this? - With the power of a single idea.

Tom wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he didn't inherit any real estate. He didn't marry a millionaire, nor did he win the lottery.

He didn't rob any banks and he didn't con people into signing their homes over to him.

Tom did all of this on his own.

In the beginning, Tom was just an ordinary guy with many problems on his mind!

When Tom was 22, he had just earned his college degree and had high hopes and dreams. He dreamed of working in a highly successful company, driving a nice car and owning a nice apartment, which he hoped to turn into his own man cave, his bachelor pad.

However, it turned out that his dreams were only dreams.

Even though he excelled in college, he had a hard time finding a job in a top-notch company. So, he found a regular 9 to 5 job, which was barely enough to cover his rent, food and travel expenses.
Two years later, Tom still wasn't living the life he had always wanted.

Instead of a nice, fast car, he had to rely on public transport.

Instead of a man cave of his own, he had to settle for a rented apartment.

The apartment he lived in didn't feel like home. The bed he slept in wasn't his. He hated the kitchen tiles and the posters on the walls.

He wanted his home to reflect his personality.

But how could he invest in it and decorate it to suit his taste, when this wasn't his apartment? Why go through the trouble?, he thought…

Tom was desperate and felt miserable about his living situation. He was extremely bothered by not being able to save money and the constant struggle to pay the rent and bills. The fear of being evicted caused him many sleepless nights.

He asked himself, is there any way out of this situation? Is there something I could do to improve my financial situation? Is there any way or chance of having my own apartment during my lifetime?

One day, he had had enough. He decided to go straight to the bank and make an inquiry about real estate loans.

Once again, he was filled with hope.

His hopes were completely crushed when he learned that the bank rejected his request for a loan due to his $100,000 debt in student loans. Even if he were to take out the additional real estate bank loan, he would need 35 years to pay it off, provided that he had a steady job and the economy picked up speed.

He was ready to throw in the towel when he saw the newspaper. An article had caught his eye: The real estate business takes quite a beating by the recession!

In that very moment, a light bulb switched on in his mind.

He wrote his idea on a piece of paper, briefly went over the most important aspects, and by his next birthday, he got himself the perfect present: an apartment with his name on the front door and on the papers, too. No mortgage and no loans!

Tom's story is a real Cinderella real estate story, except that he was his own fairy godmother and the magic didn't dispel after midnight.

All he needed was an idea. After all, the greatest inventions in humankind were preceded by ideas. A ubiquitous idea, an idea that can be applied in most of the world's countries. An idea that you will learn in the pages of this blog.


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